• BBS community improvements

    From Accession@VERT/PHARCYDE to fusion on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 18:17:02
    On Tue, 28 May 2024 03:54:00 +0000, you wrote:

    now you're a homophobe lol

    "Flaming gay men just LOVE theatrics" .. are you gonna start talking
    about people eating watermelon now?

    Should also be pointed out that nothing poindexter said included the word "gay". That was projected in the reply to him.


    ... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderb
    * Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1)
    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
  • From Accession@VERT/PHARCYDE to Ravne on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 18:36:08
    On Tue, 28 May 2024 01:13:32 -0700, you wrote:

    Was I trolling? Absolutely! Is that my interest in general? Not at all.
    I just get upset when I see people using slur words that were originally aimed at my people, taking them & throwing them around as "edgy insults"
    1. at people they may not even apply to & 2. using such hurtful things
    in such a casual manner.
    So that "straight white men" was just an "edgy insult" as well, yes? This isn't a one way street, here.

    Another reminder in case it didn't get noticed in an earlier message
    where I mentioned it: It's less than a week to Pride month. How about we get some real ACTUAL support from y'all, instead of jumping on the bandwagons of demonizing us.

    No need to force it upon us, either. I have no reason to demonize you (again, you're projecting). I personally don't care what you do (or don't do), but I also don't need to include myself in something I have no interest in, whatsoever.

    In case you didn't realize or care, we just got done mourning the heroes that have given their lives to protect "our" (that's OUR as in ALL OF US - See? No demonizing there either) freedoms. Did you bother supporting that, by chance? Did you hit up a Memorial Day parade? Maybe visit a grave site? I didn't see you mention that whatsoever, but twice now you've made sure to let us all to know that pride month is coming soon!


    ... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderb
    * Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1)
    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Accession on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 20:05:55
    Re: BBS community improvements
    By: Accession to fusion on Tue May 28 2024 06:17 pm

    On Tue, 28 May 2024 03:54:00 +0000, you wrote:

    now you're a homophobe lol

    "Flaming gay men just LOVE theatrics" .. are you gonna start talking about people eating watermelon now?

    Should also be pointed out that nothing poindexter said included the word "gay". That was projected in the reply to him.

    he implied it, though. he ALWAYS implies the word gay!
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Ravne@VERT/RAVEN to Accession on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 18:34:41
    Re: BBS community improvements
    By: Accession to Ravne on Tue May 28 2024 06:36 pm

    aimed at my people, taking them & throwing them around as "edgy insults"
    1. at people they may not even apply to & 2. using such hurtful things in
    So that "straight white men" was just an "edgy insult" as well, yes? This isn't a one way street, here.

    Are you really implying that referring to straight white men as straight white men is just as hurtful as referring to LGBTQ people as fags, pedos, & groomers? Really??!! Seriously??!!

    In case you didn't realize or care, we just got done mourning the heroes that have given their lives to protect "our" (that's OUR as in ALL OF US - See? No demonizing there either) freedoms. Did you bother supporting that,

    I'm alive, so obviously I didn't "make the ultimate sacrifice" for my country. I'm a veteran though, so don't you dare suggest I don't know what it takes to defend our freedoms. Were you assuming as a lesbian I couldn't be a veteran? We were in the military long before we were openly accepted there. We defended the freedoms of those that push the attitude that our rights should be taken, the same as every military member defended ALL of our freedoms, including the freedom of LGBTQ people to love those that we love.

    I get it, you're a "middle of the road, I don't support you, but I don't want you to be murdered" type of guy. Do you speak out against those that do think I should be murdered, though? If not, then you're part of the problem.
    þ Synchronet þ Raven of the Storm
  • From Ravne@VERT/RAVEN to Accession on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 19:24:13
    Re: BBS community improvements
    By: Accession to Ravne on Tue May 28 2024 06:36 pm

    So that "straight white men" was just an "edgy insult" as well, yes? This isn't a one way street, here.

    I apologize for forgetting to ask sooner. What's your "preferred term" for yourself?
    þ Synchronet þ Raven of the Storm
  • From Accession@VERT/PHARCYDE to Ravne on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 21:46:40
    On Tue, 28 May 2024 23:34:40 -0700, you wrote:

    Are you really implying that referring to straight white men as straight white men is just as hurtful as referring to LGBTQ people as fags,
    pedos, & groomers? Really??!! Seriously??!!

    You used it as a derogatory term, just as people use the words you mention as derogatory terms, also.

    I'm alive, so obviously I didn't "make the ultimate sacrifice" for my country. I'm a veteran though, so don't you dare suggest I don't know
    what it takes to defend our freedoms. Were you assuming as a lesbian I couldn't be a veteran? We were in the military long before we were
    openly accepted there. We defended the freedoms of those that push the attitude that our rights should be taken, the same as every military
    member defended ALL of our freedoms, including the freedom of LGBTQ
    people to love those that we love.

    No mention of it whatsoever, though. Instead, you insist on pushing another agenda entirely, and putting people down if they don't have the same views as you do.

    I get it, you're a "middle of the road, I don't support you, but I don't want you to be murdered" type of guy. Do you speak out against those
    that do think I should be murdered, though? If not, then you're part of
    the problem.

    For someone who wants to try to get their point across, you sure do go about it the wrong way.


    ... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderb
    * Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1)
    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
  • From Ravne@VERT/RAVEN to Accession on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 21:13:54
    Re: BBS community improvements
    By: Accession to Ravne on Tue May 28 2024 09:46 pm

    I'm alive, so obviously I didn't "make the ultimate sacrifice" for my
    country. I'm a veteran though, so don't you dare suggest I don't know what
    No mention of it whatsoever, though. Instead, you insist on pushing another agenda entirely, and putting people down if they don't have the same views as you do.

    Are you talking about me not mentioning what I did for Memorial Day? Unfortunately I had to work & my partner had a long medical appointment to go to, so we weren't able to do anything special. You're the one that brought up Memorial Day when I mentioned Pride. Why would you assume I have disdain for 1 just because I promote the other? You come across like you assume I hate our country & that's not true at all. I can hate what some of our citizens are doing without hating the ideals of our country.
    þ Synchronet þ Raven of the Storm
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to Ravne on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 22:39:16
    Re: BBS community improvements
    By: Ravne to Accession on Tue May 28 2024 19:24:13

    So that "straight white men" was just an "edgy insult" as well, yes? This
    isn't a one way street, here.

    I apologize for forgetting to ask sooner. What's your "preferred term" for yourself?

    My question in all this crap is why do people think they need label, I don't want someome to think of me as a straight white male or a gay black toaster or whatever, because publicly my sexual orientation is no ones business.. or anything else to that matter.. I've never understood this..

    Hi! You can call me Tim!
    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From Ravne@VERT/RAVEN to Accession on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 21:43:17
    Re: BBS community improvements
    By: Ravne to Accession on Tue May 28 2024 09:13 pm

    No mention of it whatsoever, though. Instead, you insist on pushing
    another agenda entirely, and putting people down if they don't have the
    same views as you do.

    I love /s how my desire to have the same rights as straight people is considered an "agenda" & how my desire to not be murdered is considered my "view". That's really all Pride is about, our demands (you're damn well right, we DEMAND) to be safe & have the same rights as everyone else, including the right to fair jobs access, fair housing, everything that straight people expect for themselves. Pride is about normalizing our existence in the world, not about trying to "shove our views in everyone's face".

    I don't see it now, but you said something about me going about trying to get my point across the wrong way. Am I? I don't know that I agree with that opinion. First of all, I have no delusion that I'm going to convince anyone here of anything, I'm really not sure why I even keep responding. Except, maybe there's an LGBTQ person out there that's been afraid to come out & maybe seeing my posts will help them be less afraid.

    Second, I could care less about being a "good gay", the ones that make sure to cave to the desires of straight people, to make sure they don't cross that line of what's acceptable to y'all. Have you ever heard the analogy of not thinking the leopards would ever eat MY face? That's what happens to "good gays", eventually the people they're putting on a good show for turn on them too, once they've gotten what they need from them. And no, don't pull out some shit about "you're saying all straight people are leopards that are going to eat the faces of gay people", the leopards eating faces are straight people that pretend to support gay people just long enough to try to get us to let our guards down. ---
    þ Synchronet þ Raven of the Storm
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANTIR to Ravne on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 04:19:49
    Re: Re: BBS community improvements
    By: Ravne to Gamgee on Mon May 27 2024 08:13 pm

    Another reminder in case it didn't get noticed in an earlier message where I mentioned it: It's less than a week to Pride month. How about we get some real ACTUAL support from y'all, instead of jumping on the bandwagons of demonizing us.

    Asking for support from sucky old straight white men after criticising sucky old straight white men is a tall order.

    I think I will rather stay at home doing the stuff sucky old straight white men do, like oiling the guns, fixing the greenhouses and repairing small engines.


    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANTIR to Ravne on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 04:56:30
    Re: BBS community improvements
    By: Ravne to Accession on Tue May 28 2024 06:34 pm

    I get it, you're a "middle of the road, I don't support you, but I don't want you to be murdered" type of guy. Do you speak out against those that do think I should be murdered, though? If not, then you're part of the problem.

    I have a big issue when somebody claims that you either support him or you are his enemy. That trait becomes an extremist and the claim is most often false than true.

    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANTIR to Ravne on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 05:06:59
    Re: BBS community improvements
    By: Ravne to Accession on Tue May 28 2024 09:43 pm

    I don't see it now, but you said something about me going about trying to get my point across the wrong way. Am I? I don't know that I agree with that opinion. First of all, I have no delusion that I'm going to convince anyone

    Your strategy consists in antagonizing everybody who does not belong to your chosen group, which is a very bad strategy. When people realizes you are dividing society in a group consisting of "you" and a group consisting of "everybody else" and notices you are waging war against the second, they may decide it is worth it to build up a political defense to annihilate you before you annihilate them.

    And yes, you are waging war against "everybody else" despite your claims to the contrary. Your words ooze hate and resentment. You may attempt to sugar coat it but it does not work better than a nazi saying he has some non-white friend somewhere.

    There is also the point that rainbow politics are far beyond achieving human rights for homosexuals. It is just convenient that demands for equal human rights can be used as a cover. Meanwhile you have homosexuals supporting politicians who also support religious zealots that would have homosexuals killed, which comes to show word-soup politics is not necessarily related to homosexual rights. ie. there are political agendas and interests and a bunch of them arenḉ t pretty.


    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR to kk4qbn on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 07:52:00
    kk4qbn wrote to Ravne <=-

    Re: BBS community improvements
    By: Ravne to Accession on Tue May 28 2024 19:24:13

    So that "straight white men" was just an "edgy insult" as well, yes? This
    isn't a one way street, here.

    I apologize for forgetting to ask sooner. What's your "preferred term" for yourself?

    My question in all this crap is why do people think they need
    label, I don't want someome to think of me as a straight white
    male or a gay black toaster or whatever, because publicly my
    sexual orientation is no ones business.. or anything else to that
    matter.. I've never understood this..

    It's because people like this one above, who claim they just want to be
    treated "equal".... really want to be treated as "special" or "better".

    They use the "picked on" and "mistreated" labels in order to further
    that agenda.

    It's really that simple. They really are not content to just live their
    lives as they want to, and let others do the same; oh no, they need to
    make sure we all understand how hard they have it, and keep it in our
    faces at all times.

    ... Post may contain information unsuitable for overly sensitive persons.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From fusion@VERT/CFBBS to Ravne on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 11:13:00
    On 28 May 2024, Ravne said the following...

    I love /s how my desire to have the same rights as straight people is considered an "agenda" & how my desire to not be murdered is considered
    my "view". That's really all Pride is about, our demands (you're damn
    well right, we DEMAND) to be safe & have the same rights as everyone
    else, including the right to fair jobs access, fair housing, everything that straight people expect for themselves. Pride is about normalizing
    our existence in the world, not about trying to "shove our views in everyone's face".

    this has to be a joke. easily the largest source of violence against your community is from within. domestic violence is huge .. why do you hate each other? everything you read will say the violence is perpetrated by a "partner" .. what sort of parter do you expect a gay person might choose? everyone is so desperate to make it seem like random straight guys are going around beating up gay (or trans or whatever) people for fun.

    do you know how hard it is to find modern recent examples of "gay bashing" like you want to fearmonger? wikipedia, the source for all things bullshit, repeatedly will use wording like "in some countries" and other vague wording.. do you know how large the USA section of the Violence against LGBT people page is? And half of it is COPE about "ohh, it's because nobody reports it" .. and you know what happens when you lot have nothing to complain about in the US? "well, it's still happening somewhere on the planet!" ..

    it gets even more annoying when it's like "this homeless gay person was robbed! gay homeless people are more likely to be robbed! like 95%!" .. imagine i robbed 100 people and 5 of them were gay.. a perhaps generous estimate of the % of people in the US who are gay.. do you see how that skews
    that statistics? almost every homeless person gets robbed. holy cow all the homeless gay people got robbed, we have to do something about this violence against queer people!

    then you keep getting at how "words are violence" .. you repeatedly lump the word "fag" in with "pedophile" and "groomer" the first is an insult against a trait that can't be changed.. a part of who you are, as some people insist. but the second two it's obvious you would want to defend against. but if you remove the second two we have the two options here:

    "fag" <-> "straight white men"

    these are traits that can't be changed, and your usage is meant to degrade and demean. do you make fun of the handicapped? perhaps people with speech impediments? bash a few redheads now and again? these are now both traits protected under the Civil Rights Act btw.. but talking about progress is lame right?

    with that opinion. First of all, I have no delusion that I'm going to convince anyone here of anything, I'm really not sure why I even keep responding. Except, maybe there's an LGBTQ person out there that's been afraid to come out & maybe seeing my posts will help them be less afraid.

    i know why you keep responding.. because that's exactly what you came here for. you're like those people who on their first day joining twitter are trying out their hand at some bullshit trolling only to be dunked on by a bunch of spergs with anime avitars. you didn't want to be a part of this community, which is why you set yourself apart from it in the beginning. "if it wasn't for a few BBS women back in the day who told me everything will be okay because you're a woman" .. fuck off. i was going to ask if you wanted a parade for that, but that's exactly what you want.

    leopards eating faces are straight people that pretend to support gay people just long enough to try to get us to let our guards down. ---

    this is mental illness. if you're afraid of people like this. fear of what's around every corner.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR to fusion on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 16:28:00
    fusion wrote to Ravne <=-

    On 28 May 2024, Ravne said the following...

    I love /s how my desire to have the same rights as straight people is considered an "agenda" & how my desire to not be murdered is considered
    my "view". That's really all Pride is about, our demands (you're damn
    well right, we DEMAND) to be safe & have the same rights as everyone
    else, including the right to fair jobs access, fair housing, everything that straight people expect for themselves. Pride is about normalizing
    our existence in the world, not about trying to "shove our views in everyone's face".

    this has to be a joke. easily the largest source of violence
    against your community is from within. domestic violence is huge
    .. why do you hate each other? everything you read will say the
    violence is perpetrated by a "partner" .. what sort of parter do
    you expect a gay person might choose? everyone is so desperate to
    make it seem like random straight guys are going around beating
    up gay (or trans or whatever) people for fun.

    do you know how hard it is to find modern recent examples of "gay
    bashing" like you want to fearmonger? wikipedia, the source for
    all things bullshit, repeatedly will use wording like "in some
    countries" and other vague wording.. do you know how large the
    USA section of the Violence against LGBT people page is? And half
    of it is COPE about "ohh, it's because nobody reports it" .. and
    you know what happens when you lot have nothing to complain about
    in the US? "well, it's still happening somewhere on the planet!"

    it gets even more annoying when it's like "this homeless gay
    person was robbed! gay homeless people are more likely to be
    robbed! like 95%!" .. imagine i robbed 100 people and 5 of them
    were gay.. a perhaps generous estimate of the % of people in the
    US who are gay.. do you see how that skews that statistics?
    almost every homeless person gets robbed. holy cow all the
    homeless gay people got robbed, we have to do something about
    this violence against queer people!

    then you keep getting at how "words are violence" .. you
    repeatedly lump the word "fag" in with "pedophile" and "groomer"
    the first is an insult against a trait that can't be changed.. a
    part of who you are, as some people insist. but the second two
    it's obvious you would want to defend against. but if you remove
    the second two we have the two options here:

    "fag" <-> "straight white men"

    these are traits that can't be changed, and your usage is meant
    to degrade and demean. do you make fun of the handicapped?
    perhaps people with speech impediments? bash a few redheads now
    and again? these are now both traits protected under the Civil
    Rights Act btw.. but talking about progress is lame right?

    with that opinion. First of all, I have no delusion that I'm going to convince anyone here of anything, I'm really not sure why I even keep responding. Except, maybe there's an LGBTQ person out there that's been afraid to come out & maybe seeing my posts will help them be less afraid.

    i know why you keep responding.. because that's exactly what you
    came here for. you're like those people who on their first day
    joining twitter are trying out their hand at some bullshit
    trolling only to be dunked on by a bunch of spergs with anime
    avitars. you didn't want to be a part of this community, which is
    why you set yourself apart from it in the beginning. "if it
    wasn't for a few BBS women back in the day who told me everything
    will be okay because you're a woman" .. fuck off. i was going to
    ask if you wanted a parade for that, but that's exactly what you

    leopards eating faces are straight people that pretend to support gay people just long enough to try to get us to let our guards down. ---

    this is mental illness. if you're afraid of people like this.
    fear of what's around every corner.

    BRAVO!! BRAVO!!!

    I purposely quoted this entire message because I like it that much.
    Spot on accurate! Jesus I'm so freakin tired of the drama-assholes like
    the recent one we have here. Also known as trolls; hopefully to be gone

    Again, well written and thanks!

    ... Post may contain information unsuitable for overly sensitive persons.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Accession@VERT/PHARCYDE to Ravne on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 19:52:30
    On Wed, 29 May 2024 00:24:12 -0700, you wrote:

    I apologize for forgetting to ask sooner. What's your "preferred term"
    for yourself?

    I don't need a "preferred term." Do you?

    How about don't refer to anyone in a derogatory way, and others may actually reply in kind. It's pretty simple.


    ... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderb
    * Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1)
    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
  • From Accession@VERT/PHARCYDE to kk4qbn on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 19:55:40
    On Wed, 29 May 2024 03:39:16 -0400, you wrote:

    My question in all this crap is why do people think they need label, I don't want someome to think of me as a straight white male or a gay
    black toaster or whatever, because publicly my sexual orientation is no ones business.. or anything else to that matter.. I've never understood this..

    Hi! You can call me Tim!

    Thank gawd someone sees where I was going with that.


    ... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderb
    * Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1)
    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Ravne on Thursday, May 30, 2024 08:07:30
    Re: BBS community improvements
    By: Ravne to Accession on Tue May 28 2024 06:34 pm

    I get it, you're a "middle of the road, I don't support you, but I don't want you to be murdered" type of guy. Do you speak out against those that do think I should be murdered, though? If not, then you're part of the problem.

    And if someone attempts to speak out against those people but says the wrong thing, both camps jump all over them.


    ...Spaceballs: The Tagline

    þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From phigan@VERT/TACOPRON to poindexter FORTRAN on Tuesday, June 04, 2024 10:58:11
    Re: Re: BBS community improvements
    By: poindexter FORTRAN to Ravne on Mon May 27 2024 07:46 am

    I think he thinks we're all depraved men in soiled sweatpants living in their parent's basement. Sounds like projection to me.

    Yeah. I WISH my parents had a basement.

    þ Synchronet þ TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO TACOPRONTO.bbs.io
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to phigan on Tuesday, June 04, 2024 14:41:40
    Re: Re: BBS community improvements
    By: phigan to poindexter FORTRAN on Tue Jun 04 2024 10:58 am

    Re: Re: BBS community improvements
    By: poindexter FORTRAN to Ravne on Mon May 27 2024 07:46 am

    I think he thinks we're all depraved men in soiled sweatpants living in their parent's basement. Sounds like projection to me.

    Yeah. I WISH my parents had a basement.

    i wish i didn't have one. got tons of flooding rain here.
    i got a real wet basement here but it's drying with blower fans.
    most my stuff is in plastic tubs, but there's a lot of moisture down there now. ---
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Whirlwind@VERT/ZZAPBBS to kk4qbn on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 02:24:29
    Re: Re: BBS community improvements
    By: kk4qbn to Ravne on Sat May 25 2024 15:16:25

    þ Synchronet þ ZZap BBS - telnet://bbs.zzap.org:230
  • From kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN to Whirlwind on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 22:52:33
    Re: Re: BBS community improvements
    By: Whirlwind to kk4qbn on Wed Jul 17 2024 02:24:29

    Re: Re: BBS community improvements
    By: kk4qbn to Ravne on Sat May 25 2024 15:16:25

    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
  • From Ed Vance@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Denn on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 15:45:32
    Re: Re: BBS community improvements
    By: Ravne to Gamgee on Mon May 27 2024 08:13 pm

    Sorry, nobody needs to hijack an entire month for self glorification.
    Or self pity how ever you want to look at it.

    þ Synchronet þ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net

    I will say AMEN to that.
    June used to be noted as The Month that a man and woman who wanted to get married would do .
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP