It does make one think, after the Soviet Union fell (which the movie attributed
to Reagan), did all of the die-hard communists immigrate to the USA and become >SJW leftists? or are they just a bunch of American-born "free grub" junkies?
The theory is that, back when Krushev threatened the West -- "We will bury you!" -- he didn't mean through war but rather through infiltration of our institutions, and our educational institutions in particular.
If that is the case, when the USSR fell, that infiltration would have
already been in full swing. Some of the people preaching the "good news"
of communism/anti-capitalism by that point might not have even realized they were influenced by infiltrators.
That could all be hogwash but if you look at how far left we've turned over
the past 50 years, it makes sense.
P.S. I visited Tucumcari about this time last year. Stayed at the Blue Swallow for an evening on my way west. It was storming pretty bad when I
got there, so I didn't get to do much sight-seeing before it got late. It looked like a place with a lot of US 66 history, though.
* SLMR 2.1a * "The goal of socialism is communism." - V. Lenin
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